
QUESTIONS Days pass, world turns and years go by, Leaves fall, flowers wither, yet our hopes so high; The wheel stops, the spinning halts oh!, who's the ally? Distinctions diminish and the race ends ha!, how hard we try?! Fullness empties and vacuum fills like one notorious spy; How bright do we want? How far can you see, With hundreds of screens blinding our eye?; How long do we wait? How deep do we reach? To know all of its why; We smile and we keep walking, no matter how hard we sigh!!; Existence is frustration, but to whom do we cry? To the seas?, to the wind or to the moon in the sky? To the Gods or the lives around us?, Can you kindly reply?; We toil like beasts, so hard, that our mouths go dry, No river or rain can quench that thirst, And you could never deny; For all of us reach that point, When we lie awake, even to the greatest lullaby; Is any of this real?, Wise man!, could you possibly justify? Too late we reach that poin...