THANK YOU 2017!!!


I haven't done this before actually, as I rarely look back at the days of past for the sake of recalling the events. But I know I have to do it now because this year, 2017, was indeed a life changing year. 

The year began like just another day with my profile being a higher secondary kid, preparing for the boards with just hardly 2-3 months remaining. It was fun, I have to admit. The pressure I felt as a student of second-year higher secondary, makes me smile every time. I was pretty sure of what I was doing and what I was about to do after my schooling, and my family also was providing me the right ratio of moral support, because of which, that pressure makes me smile, as it was just an illusionary pressure. Just like any other conventional school in the state, MARKS were the most important thing. No matter how knowledgeable you are, you will be judged only by the marks on your report card. The system and the society is to be blamed, not the school or the teachers. They're just doing what the society and the system demands from them. But I'm not going to talk about it.

I realized, only after the results were out that, those marks were just an entry ticket and not something as important as it was portrayed to be in our schools. This year was made more memorable because of the results too. I got the result I was expecting and it also satisfied the hunger of the society as it was a distinction score, and increased the respect I had, in the circle of my relatives too. No need to mention specifically, that the "envy" factor also went up as it would be obvious.

My marks did the job it was intended to do and got me placed in the top college in the country with my favorite course. This is another factor that makes 2017 a memorable one. Now I got suddenly transformed from a school kid to a college student, and the society no longer saw me as a kid and I was seen as citizen of the country. I was bestowed with the responsibility of being a citizen. It also gave me the power and the right to voice out my opinions, which I've always yearned to do and I hope I will keep doing it, though it doesn't make much of an impact.

"FRIENDS", the most important factor that makes any person's life, memorable. I had a really good set of friends in my school, whom I miss in college. But in order to counter that vacuum, I got another new set of friends who are equally mischievous, funny, smart and supportive as my school friends were. The important catch is the fact that, on this day, the previous year('16), I had no idea who these people were, where they lived, what all had happened in their lives. But this year, all of our event cones coincided and interfered(physicist's view), resulting in us becoming friends.

I now have friends from across the state and across the country, from UP, from Assam, from Gujarat, each with their own uniqueness and the heart to accept the uniqueness of others. I've also got many friends from my own city too. That doesn't mean, I should abandon my school friends and move on. Those crazy guys were with me through the thick and thin of my childhood, so they will always remain in my heart, in a special place.

Professionally i.e, Academically, there were many moments where I was deterred, distracted, dejected and desperate, yet, I came out of all those difficulties and I emerged confident. This year gave me the hope and realization that, changes should always be welcomed, as it is the only thing that can transform "me(us)" into superior and a refashioned "me(us)". 

Ultimately, I can conclude that this year "2017", will always be remembered by me as one of the best years in my life, it gave me confidence and courage to face the challenges, and it introduced me to newer challenges also. I learnt a whole of new things about life, mind, society, world affairs and many more.

My heart-felt gratitude to all those who are with me, this year and the years to come. You guys are the best!!! 

THANK YOU 2017!!! 



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